How to Be Bold

Although I was blind, now I can see.” - John 9:25

My wife and I just returned home from a trip to Europe where we saw incredible landmarks and heard the stories behind them. We visited Stonehenge, the Eiffel Tower, St. Paul’s Cathedral, and many more. For me, these sites evoked feelings of awe and amazement. So, we took pictures and will try to remember. Things like this can change you.

In John chapter nine, we encounter an event that was planned in eternity past and is far greater than anything we saw on our trip. Jesus encounters a man who was born blind and he miraculously heals him. This man lived in darkness, but in an instant he could see everything. He was a well-known figure with friends and family. He was probably seen by many as a beggar trying to feed himself.

While there are many observations that should be made here, I'll share three:

First, as Jesus' disciples discussed the blind man, Jesus explained that the man and his blindness existed for what would happen next. Jesus would be revealed as the Messiah through this miracle and the testimony of the man he would heal.

Second, the man's life was completely transformed by his healing, to the extent that any negative reaction from others meant little in comparison. He couldn't stop talking about his miraculous transformation. He was bold.

Third, despite witnessing an undeniable miracle, the man's friends and even his parents struggled to openly acknowledge it. Since the current religious community was blind to Jesus’ authority, they were afraid of being rejected. They preferred to live in the shadow of a lie rather than believe. (John discusses the "fear of man" in other passages like John 5:44, 7:13, 9:22, 9:34, 12:25, 12:42-43, 19:38).

One question that comes up after reading about this encounter is, "Why am I not more like this blind man?" Often, I find myself resembling his parents, who were fearful of what they might lose if they stepped forward. I don't think the answer is in feeling guilty or simply summoning the courage and fortitude to do better. The real answer lies in renewing my focus on the gospel – what Jesus did for us through his life, death, and resurrection. Sometimes, I forget the magnitude of the miracle Jesus performed when he found me. I, too, was blind and living in darkness. I couldn't even conceive of a different reality until he gave me one.

Jesus, you are the miracle worker who gives new life. You forgive our sin and make everything new for us. I’m sorry that I often forget. Thank you for loving me always. Please refresh my soul and cause me to see the gospel as I should.

Song: Open the Eyes of My Heart

Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. - Psalm 51:12


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