Jesus Is Buried - John 19:38-42

Good News Productions International and College Press Publishing.

READ JOHN 19:38-42

Jesus, you, the very creator of life, the giver of life, are now dead – because you gave yourself to this slaughter. I feel like my grasp of this is entirely inadequate. I don't feel this as I should. I'm sorry. Thank you for coming for me even though my response to your beauty and grace is weak. Please speak to my soul that I might worship you as I should. Amen

And they made his grave with the wicked and with a rich man in his death, although he had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth. - Isaiah 53:9

my strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to my jaws; you lay me in the dust of death. - Psalm 22:15

And since we have touched on things connected with paradise, I am truly astonished at the truth of the types. In Paradise was the fall, and in a garden was our salvation. From the tree came sin, and until the tree, sin lasted. In the evening, when the Lord walked in the garden, they hid themselves. And in the evening the robber is brought by the Lord into paradise. – Cyril of Jerusalem

Understanding the death of Jesus for sinners, while never fully attainable, is worthy of every person's lifelong study and meditation.


The Resurrection - John 21:10


The Death of Jesus - John 19:28-37