Law or Gospel

For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. - John 1:17

The Bible gives us two messages: law and gospel. The law is meant to challenge us and show us our inability to do what we must; it reveals our problem – our sin. The gospel, on the other hand, gives us, in Jesus, what we cannot achieve on our own..

When Jesus said to Nicodemus, “Unless one is born again, you cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3), Nicodemus responded in a confused frenzy.  He asked, “How can this be? How can an old man re-enter his mother’s womb?” Then Jesus shared the solution: “Trust me.”

In the encounter with a rich, moral ruler (Luke 18:18), the man asks, “What must I do to be saved?” Jesus tells him to sell everything and follow Him. This is law, and the rich man was very sad because he was incapable of doing that.

Here are a few more examples from Jesus:

- The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) is law. It was given to show how inadequate we are. When Jesus speaks about anger, lust, adultery, retaliation, and loving your enemies, He is showing us how sinful we are.

- The parable of The Good Samaritan (Luke 10) is law. Rather than giving us something to strive for, Jesus shared this parable to show the religious leaders how far from God they were.

- The greatest commandment—Love God and love your neighbor (Matthew 22:34)—is law and not gospel. When the religious leaders wanted to know the greatest commandment, Jesus replied, “With all your heart, soul, and mind, love God and love your neighbor as you love yourself.” Does that sound like a good news command? It’s not good news for me. I can’t do that. But Jesus can—and did. He kept the law for all those who would look away from themselves and trust Him as their substitute.

As we visit with others, being keenly aware of the law/gospel contrast can help us communicate effectively as they ask us, or we ask them, about what we believe. Jesus gives his children the righteousness we need to be saved.

Just to be clear: “You need to follow Jesus.” is law. “Jesus took the sinner’s sin upon himself so the sinner can be forgiven.” is grace.

Jesus, you are the only one who can save. I am lost in my own effort if you don’t rescue. Thank you for taking my sin so I can live. Please cause me to see the emptiness of my own merit.

Song: Why This Fear?

For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. - John 1:17


Intimacy With Jesus - Pt 1


Hope for the Hurting