Leaving Works
Today, as we start a three-part series about "Walking Away from 'Works'," it's important to clarify what we mean by "works" in this context.
The Bible uses the term "works" in different ways. Sometimes the Bible uses "works" to refer to the good deeds that naturally flow from a genuine faith in Jesus. As James 2:17 states, "Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead”. These good works are the fruit of our salvation, and we certainly don’t want to move away from them.
The "works" we're walking away from is really a mindset that believes that our actions and performance are a big component of God's acceptance and love of us - and of His opinion of us. It’s the belief that our standing with God can be improved through what we do or don’t do. This is a very human way of looking at God and this mindset stands in direct opposition to the grace-based thinking that the gospel is, and that the gospel promotes.
The interesting thing about this is that even though God’s love toward us – his grace toward us – is the core message of Scripture, it’s easy to resist. While the Bible tells us that our sin is so deep that the grace of God is the only way out, we can still slip into a works way of thinking.
If you’ve been a Christian for a while you probably think you understand. And you might. But it’s easy to struggle here because this world isn’t grace-based, it functions on performance or pride or guilt. And because we want to feel good about ourselves, or we feel that we can somehow pay God back for his goodness (as if that were possible) it’s easy for us to think that our good works, or lack of good works, impacts God’s love for us.
Here are three big problems with a works-based way of thinking:
First – it misrepresents God’s character. A works-based mindset distorts our view of God's true nature. It portrays Him as a transactional deity, one who dispenses favor based on our performance rather than His inherent love and grace. This perspective fails to grasp the depth of God's unconditional love and His desire for a genuine relationship with His children.
Second – it diminishes Jesus’ sacrifice. Believing that our works contribute to our salvation implicitly suggests that Christ's sacrifice wasn’t enough. This undermines the completeness and efficacy of His redemptive work on the cross.
The Bible is uncompromising about the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice. Hebrews 10:12 declares, "But when this priest [Jesus] had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God".
This verse emphasizes the finality and completeness of Jesus’ work. By thinking our works can add to our salvation, we inadvertently suggest that what Jesus did wasn't enough.
Third – when we hang on to a works-based construct we are elevating self. A works-based relationship with God inevitably moves our focus from God to ourselves. Instead of centering our thoughts and actions on God's grace and Christ's sacrifice, we become preoccupied with our own performance and achievements.
Instead of elevating self, we are called to humble ourselves before God, recognizing our complete dependence on His grace. As James 4:6 reminds us, "God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble"
This can be difficult because in a “God’s grace alone” reality, God is the giver. God is always the giver.
Kind Father, you alone must save because I have nothing to contribute. I’m sorry for wanting to add my own merit. Thank you for being merciful and gracious to sinners. Thank you for loving us the way you do. Please cause me to see how mighty you are and how weak I am.
Let's close with Psalm 136:26: