Struggling with your quiet time?

Do you struggle with a meaningful, daily quiet time with God? Maybe you have a vision for what this could look like, but it doesn’t come together for you. Do you hear great stuff from the pulpit or through an article but can’t figure it out on your own, and you’re discouraged?

I think there’s a meaningful, simple answer for you in praying the Bible. You can connect with Jesus on your own – just God, you, and the Bible.

5 steps to praying the Bible:

  • First – Pray that the Holy Spirit will help you

  • Second – Read a passage of Scripture.

  • Third – Quickly summarize the passage and put a “mood” on it. We’re not looking for an in-depth, researched effort here, just a quick restatement of what’s happening and a mood like desperation, sorrow, worship, confusion, hope, etc.

  • Fourth – Identify God’s attributes and actions - what is God doing here? Look for the gospel.

  • Fifth – Pray. I would suggest that you use a prayer structure like A.C.T.S. This will help you pray in a way that ties things together.

Now I know that there's a big distance between reading about how to do something and doing it for yourself, so PLEASE watch a video or two here.


The Four Elements of Prayer


Into The Lord’s Prayer