The Grave of Failure

Though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes. - Proverbs 24:16

If you’re like me, personal failures abound. Failures that end in ruined relationships or self-condemnation and deep regret. Our failures can cause us to rethink everything and, if we’re not careful, move us down the wrong path. They can bury us.

The Bible shows us the massive failures of Moses, Abraham, Jonah, King David, and many others. As Jesus was being unjustly condemned, Peter, one of his core disciples, publicly denied even knowing him. Can you imagine what must have been going through Peter’s mind after that? A full-of-dreams fisherman who left everything to follow the miracle-working Messiah, now an utter failure.

How do you think God thought about Peter’s failure in this moment of everything going wrong? God, being sovereign in all things, saw Peter’s denial as essential in the display of grace to both Peter and to millions that would follow.

While it’s important to recognize our sin and repent, it’s equally important to know that God never leaves his children and only has their good in mind. We may fail God, but God will never fail us. Our failures are not there to kill us but to lead us to new life in Jesus.

Jesus, there is no sin that you cannot forgive and there is no failure that is beyond your purpose. I’m sorry that I often forget you or reject you in my failure. Thank you for loving me when I fail. Please cause me to see you and trust you.

Song: Glorious Day

It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees. - Psalm 119:71


Being Thankful


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