The Hatred of the World - John 15:18-27
READ JOHN 15:18-27
Jesus, you are holy and beautiful and the very meaning of love. And the evil one hates you. And I am often weak in the face of adversity. I often become cowardly when I should take rejection – I’m sorry. Thank you for facing rejection from a sinful humanity and absorbing the consequenses of my sin for me. Thanks to your rejection I will never know God’s rejection. Jesus, I want to be bold and loving toward those who need salvation. I need for you to dominate and capture me. Please open my eyes to your beauty and the beauty of the gospel. Amen
It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. - Psalm 118:8
As if Christ’s suffering were not consolation enough, he consoles them still further by telling them that the hatred of the world would be an evidence of their goodness. They ought rather to grieve … if they were loved by the world, as that would be evidence of their wickedness. – Chrysostome
Loving others at the deepest level (sharing and living the gospel) will undoubtedly cause many to reject you.