When Life Doesn’t Feel Good

Great is the Lord, who delights in the welfare of his servant! - Psalm 35:27

God is steadfastly committed to his children  But it doesn’t always feel that way does it? It’s crazy how frail I can be. When all is going well, I’m great and self-sufficient. When difficulty comes, I doubt God’s goodness.

In this psalm David seems to be at the end. He is pouring his heart out to God in despair and detailing the attacks against him. His enemies have no mercy and take great joy in his suffering.  

At the end of the psalm, however, David moves away from his pain and asks that others will find joy in God’s faithfulness to him.

As Jesus, the better David, faced the unimaginable pain of total betrayal and death on the cross, he asked himself an important question, “What shall I say, ‘Father, save me from this hour?’” Thankfully, his greater desire was that God be glorified through his suffering. What followed was the liberation of millions.

Jesus stayed in the fight and trusted his Father. God is faithful and will care for us. His purpose in our struggle is better than we can imagine. He is working for our welfare even when it’s difficult.

 The good shepherd doesn’t let go of his sheep.

Kind Father, you know what’s good for me. You know what I need for me to trust you. I’m sorry for being anxious and afraid. Please continue to build my faith. Amen

Song: Turn Your Eyes

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. - Jeremiah 29:11


Strive to Be a Child


Hope in Suffering