A Christmas Promise: Good News, Bad News, Good News

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” - Luke 2:14

Peace is here! Now that the One we have waited for is here, there will be peace! Wait. What? Really?

This simple Christmas verse forces at least two big questions: How does Jesus bring global peace? And, how is this peace good news to me since I seem to be excluded from the promise?

The good news: At Jesus’ birth, the angels didn’t just declare peace to a fractured Israel; they declared peace on earth across every ethnic barrier. Because of Jesus, the focus was permanently changed from what we must do (no peace there), to what God has done (a better approach). Now all groups can look away from themselves to the perfect work of Jesus for them. We can keep our eyes focused on Jesus, not ourselves or each other. Jesus brings peace with God and with each other.

The bad news: According to the angels, this peace is not for everyone. It’s for those with whom God is pleased. If I’m honest, this promise is not for me. My life is not pleasing to God.

The good news: While I don’t qualify for God’s peace, Jesus does; God is pleased with him. And because Jesus is my champion, I qualify. Even I can know peace.

Jesus, you are peace for all those who don’t qualify. I cannot qualify without you. Thank you for coming and for loving me to the end. Please open my eyes to your peace.

Song: Jesus Paid It All 

Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. - Romans 5:1


Christmas Before Christmas


Struggling With an Eternal Perspective - Pt 1