All Is Well

Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.. - Isaiah 43:1

I remember watching a movie once where a soldier standing outside a building he was guarding would, at regular intervals, yell something like, “NINE O’CLOCK AND ALL IS WELL.” All of his cohorts did this as well so that everyone could hear everyone else and they would know that the building was secure. Of course, in an action movie, things change quickly. Soon all was not well.

In real life, God would have his children know that all is well and that will never change. The Bible contains a thread of, “All is well.” “Don’t be afraid. I am with you. I’m in control of everything. Whatever I bring to you is for your good. You will not be tempted beyond your ability. I will never leave you or let you go. I hear your prayers.” In other words, all is well.

For two-year-olds like us it can be challenging to believe this when we’re up to our eyeballs in the volatility of life. It’s easy to get caught in the struggle and not see the reality of God’s relentless, overflowing love for us.

But God is not an earthly father with flaws. He set his thoughts on you before creation (Eph 1:4) and the reason you believe is because he opened your heart to the gospel (Acts 16:14). Jesus did not die in vain. Not only does he save us, he will never let us go.

Some day we will see clearly. Can you imagine how amazing that will be? We’ll understand just how perfectly faithful God has been. And how do we know this? Two thousand years ago Jesus came down for you.

Jesus, you are the one that worked for the salvation of sinners. We can’t do it. I’m sorry that I get caught up in fear and doubt when you have everything under control. Thank you for your endless love. Please open my eyes to your promises. I know all is well.

Song: All Is Well

Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. - Luke 12:32


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