Looking For the Second Advent

Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. - Isaiah 7:14

Advent means coming or arrival, so the Christmas season is sometimes called Advent because we celebrate the love of Jesus in his coming to save his children. And what good news that was. The coming of a Savior was first promised in Genesis 3:15, and from there to the end of the last book in the Old Testament (Malachi), we find a thick thread of prophecies, promises, and foreshadowings of the coming that we now celebrate.

Even though the prophecies were specific and many, and Israel “believed” them, most missed it. And they didn’t just miss it, they rejected it. They were looking for a Messiah of their own definition. They had lost touch with God’s plan and heart.

In the New Testament, we see Jesus coming to a manger and we see promises and details about his coming again in power. At this Second Advent Jesus will eradicate sin and our fight will be over. We will be with him forever experiencing the neverending glories of his grace.

It’s interesting that the promise of the Second Advent comes with many warnings to be ready, stay awake, focus, watch, and be vigilant. Have you ever wondered why? It can be easy to simply think, “I’m ready for Jesus’ coming because I’m a Christian. I’ll just live my life until then. I’m sure it will all work out.” But that is not how we should wait. There is nothing bigger than the two Advents. The first takes care of our sin and the second brings us home. The impact of Jesus’ love should overwhelm us such that we are always moving toward the full joy to come.

Jesus, thank you for coming to rescue me from eternal death. I’m sorry that I don’t see this and feel this as I should. Please cause me to wake up.

Song: Come Jesus Come

Stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. - Matthew 24:42




All Is Well