…each according to its own kind. – Genesis 1:11

Whenever I see a particular family in our church I smile because the young daughters are the spitting image of their mom — no mistaking who belongs to whom there.   

If you look at the creation account in Genesis, the phrase “each according to its own kind,” or some variation of that, is used repeatedly. Plants, fish, birds, beasts, and creeping things each reproduce after their kind. So, what is the actual point here? This all seems so obvious that it wouldn’t need to be mentioned over and over again, right?

One reason this is important is because it foreshadows Jesus’s mind-blowing work in the “new birth.” When Jesus claims a sinner and brings that person to faith, a new birth occurs – after its own kind. That new person is now seen as sinless – like Jesus – by the Father. The righteousness of Jesus has been imputed to the sinner.

The Bible refers to Jesus as our brother. We are now called saints (holy ones) and children of God – over and over again, much like in Genesis, where “after its own kind” was used over and over. We are not who we once were.

You, however, might be thinking, “That’s crazy. I’m a sinning machine.” Me too. But that’s the point - we should have no hope in ourselves. We’re helpless and the merit of Jesus is what counts. I have nothing good in myself (Romans 7:18)

Jesus, you are the only one who can cause the sinner to be born again. You create life where there was none. I’m sorry for thinking I have goodness that counts. Thank you for rescuing the helpless like me. Please cause me to see this all more clearly. I am weak but you are strong.

Song: My Hope is Built on Nothing Less

that [Jesus]he might be the firstborn among many brothers. - Romans 8:29


Why We Live


Looking For the Second Advent