Why We Live

And God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. - Genesis 2:7

There are, obviously, many differences between animals and humans. The Bible gives us the fundamental difference. Birds, fish, and livestock are alive, but humans were given the critical element that makes us unique. In contrast to animals, God breathed into Adam “the breath of life.”

There is debate amongst theologians as to precisely what the breath of life did or created. Did this give us a soul? Is this why Scripture says we are in the image of God? Did this give us what we need to know that God exists? One thing is sure: we were not alive and God’s breath of life made us life.

This bringing-to-life is a foreshadowing of another life-giving breath of God in Scripture. The Bible is clear that because of sin we are spiritually dead (Rom 5:12; Eph 2:1; 1 Cor 15:21) and need to be given new life. But how does this happen? Three steps:

First – Jesus came. Two thousand years ago Jesus came as the One who would take the consequences of our sin so we could be forgiven (this is the gospel).

Second – the sinner hears this good news of Jesus’ work. Faith comes through hearing (Rom 10:17; Jn 5:24).

Third – God acts. Just like God acted to bring what was dead to life the first time, God acts to connect us to the gospel and bring us to eternal life the second time. Jesus and the Apostle Paul both said it is the Spirit who gives life (Jn 6:36; 2 Cor 3:6) but Jesus went further and said, “The flesh is no help at all.” When the breath of life blows, we live.

Jesus, only you give life. And the life you give is eternal. I’m sorry for thinking that this world can satisfy. Thank you for breathing life into helpless and sinful people like me. Please cause the gospel to be heard and please breath on the many I’m praying for.  

Song: Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God

And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” - John 20:22


God’s Emotional Love
