Are you related to King David? - Psalm 18

Great salvation he brings to his king, and shows steadfast love to his anointed, to David and his offspring forever. - Psalm 18:50

God loves, loves, loves those who are related to King David. And God loves David’s relatives because these people are also God’s children.

So, how do you look at your genealogy to determine if you are related to King David? Well, this family line is traced through faith and adoption; it’s not dependent on earthly DNA. And the reason this verse focuses on David (remember, this psalm was written around 1,000 B.C.) is because David received a promise from God (2 Sam 7:12-16), a promise that God would bring forth an eternal King (Jesus) through David’s line. So David has the promise, Jesus is the promise, and faith in Jesus brings us into God’s family.

The cross is where we see how much  God loves his children. He came to die for his own. And this is not just an earthly father dying in the line of fire; this is the great Sovereign who created the people that would kill him? In this show of love we can know that he will always love us.

Loving Father, you have a never-ending love for your children. I’m sorry that I look at the cross and am often unaffected. Thank you for adopting me when I was helpless and without hope. I want to know your love more deeply. Please open my heart. Amen

Song: My Anchor Holds

Of [David’s] offspring God has brought to Israel a Savior, Jesus, as he promised. - Acts 13:23


Anyone Can Be Wise - Psalm 19


God Doesn’t Just Hear Us - Psalm 17