Anyone Can Be Wise - Psalm 19

The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. - Psalm 19:7

I know people that have great knowledge but few that are wise. Knowledgeable people have wonderful memory and can share all sorts of information. Wisdom, however, involves a deep personal understanding. Knowledge is marketable (think of all things internet), while wisdom is soul-changing and alters how we live and die. Knowledge is like tin, and wisdom is like gold.

True wisdom is not out of reach. The Bible says that God is anxious to give it and it’s there for the asking (James 1:5). Scripture is also clear as to what having wisdom will look like. It will start with a deep, humble reverence for God (Ps 111:10) and will be found in receiving the testimony of God to us (Ps 19:7). In other words, eternal life is found in embracing all that Jesus is for us. In the end, those who absorb the gospel as life itself are wise beyond words.

I am thankful to God for a few wise people in my life who lived and breathed the gospel. Their eternal legacy is not about earthly jobs, education, experiences or wealth; it’s about how the gospel consumed them. They were wise.

Jesus, you can make us wise. I often seem to think wisdom is found in earthly fulfillment. I often admire knowledge and not wisdom – I’m sorry. Thank you for being patient with me. Please, Jesus, I want to be wise; make me see the fulness of the gospel. Amen

Song: The Perfect Wisdom of Our God

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom. - Colossians 3:16


Strength in Weakness - Psalm 20


Are you related to King David? - Psalm 18