Strength in Weakness - Psalm 20

They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand upright. - Psalm 20:8

There are two groups; those who stand briefly and then fall, and those who start low but finish standing. In this psalm this is illustrated through the picture of military strength. Some trust in horses and chariots and are proud now but will inevitably fail. Some trust in God and are low now but will inevitably be victorious because the One who cannot lose is fighting for them.

This theme of humility and trust in the King is constant throughout Scripture. Victory only comes when we are weak, and he is strong. The beauty of this is that our weakness and humility are vital to our salvation while it bringing God glory in his salvation. Our salvation and joy align with God’s glory. It doesn’t get any better than that.

We see this disposition when we look at Jesus. He came in humility and finished as the One who defeated death itself. He, the second member of the Trinity, humbled himself, came here, and died a criminal’s death to gain victory over sin and death for us.

Jesus, your humility before the Father is almost beyond words. And in my pride, I often lean on my own strength – how stupid. I’m sorry. Thank you for defeating death for me, even though I don’t respond as I should. Please change my heart. I want to eradicate pride. Amen.

Song: My God Fights For Me

The haughty looks of man shall be brought low, and the lofty pride of men shall be humbled, and the Lord alone will be exalted in that day. - Isaiah 2:11


Celebrating God’s Power - Psalm 21


Anyone Can Be Wise - Psalm 19