Celebrating God’s Power - Psalm 21

God’s enemies will not succeed - Psalm 21:11

Knowing that evil will not win – cannot win – is life-changing. This psalm is one of basking in God’s salvation of the King and celebrating God’s victory over evil. The author is not focused on himself but on God’s strength. In the last verse of this psalm he says, “We will sing and praise your power.”

The psalmist does not see himself as God’s enemy or someone who will lose in God’s cosmic victory. But how is God’s defeat of all evil good news for me since I’m sinful? Should I be celebrating the eradication of evil?

The short answer is that in Christ I am declared righteous, so the irradication of evil won’t irradicate me. The Apostle Paul put it this way, “For our sake he made [Jesus] to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor 5:21). When we cling to the righteous One, his victory is our victory.

So, is God’s victory over evil something I should celebrate? This is the best news ever!

Strong Father, your strength is never in doubt. One day your rescue mission will be complete, and it will be time for sin to be a thing of the past. I’m sorry for taking your salvation for granted. Sin should repulse me, but it often doesn’t. Thank you for hanging on to me in my weakness. Please change my heart. I want to celebrate your salvation the way David did. Amen

Song: Open the Eyes of My Heart

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. - 1 Cor 15:57


The Suffering Need to Eat - Psalm 22


Strength in Weakness - Psalm 20