The Suffering Need to Eat - Psalm 22

The afflicted shall eat and be satisfied - Psalm 22:26

Suffering reveals a hunger that only God can satisfy. Those who are suffering need a meal that will change things. And we’re all suffering.

Psalm 22 is not your typical psalm. It reflects the most profound agony of someone whose life is about to end. It’s a prophetic psalm of Jesus’ final minutes of suffering on the cross so we can eat.

So, what kind of food do we need while in the depths of suffering? Jesus speaks to this when he says, “Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you (John 6:27)”. And almost immediately after that, he says, “I am the bread of life (v35), I am the bread that came down from heaven (v41), I am the bread of life (v48), I am the living bread (51).”

Suffering is a human condition that has plagued us since we embraced sin. And earthly solutions can only occasionally deal with the symptoms but not the problem. The food that Jesus gives forgives our sins, changes our hearts, and satisfies us forever. Our souls are suffering and Jesus is the food we need.

Jesus, I know that I need more than physical food. My soul needs to be satisfied. You are the food I need for true healing and satisfaction. Thank you for coming for me. Please open my eyes to my true need and give me what I need to trust you.

Song: Fill My Cup Lord

And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.” - John 6:51


Peace During War - Psalm 23


Celebrating God’s Power - Psalm 21