Peace During War - Psalm 23

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. - Psalm 23:5

Jesus is meant to be victory and satisfaction for you now, while the war is raging, not just later.

It’s easy to think that our faith in Christ is meant to “pay off” after we struggle through this life. Then, face to face with Jesus and with no pain or sorrow, everything will be great. But life with Jesus now should also be one of deep joy, rest, and confidence in the presence of difficulty.

Peace while living in a broken world consumed with hostility toward believers is the nature of the life that flows from Jesus. As he, through the Holy Spirit’s work, becomes everything we need (our nourishment and purpose), we should begin to live in God’s goodness, and our orientation should change. Our lives should take on the disposition of the One we follow. This was life for the author of Psalm 23; this was the life of Jesus and his disciples; this should also be true of us.

Jesus, you give nourishment and peace while living in a hostile world. I am often caught up in understanding life as someone without hope – I’m sorry. Thank you for being faithful to me in everything. Please reorient my vision. I want to see you as the center of all things. I want to know more of your victory now. Amen

Song: Psalm 23

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33


Taking What Is Not Ours - Psalm 24


The Suffering Need to Eat - Psalm 22