Becoming Godly - Psalm 4

But know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself - Psalm 4:3

The Old Testament, and the New, are filled with the important promise that God has set apart a group of godly people for himself. So, the good news here is that the omniscient, sovereign, and loving God of reality has a people who will experience his favor forever. But he is not just sharing information; this is a victory declaration to his enemies. That’s why he says, “But know that…”  

Many assume that claiming this promise of God’s favor, depends on working harder at becoming godly. But thoughts like that are filled with prideful confidence and a belief that I have what it takes to pass the “godly” test. This response is a rejection of what Scripture teaches (Is 64:6; Rom 3:9; 1 Jn 1:8,10).

So then, who are the godly? Those who are sinless in his sight. Those who trust in the One who is godly for them. Thankfully, the surety of this promise is not found in my performance but in Jesus.

Those who look to Jesus, and not themselves, can claim God’s favor without hesitation because Jesus is indeed godly.

Holy Father, you are completely good, and my effort is not good enough. I am too sinful to be considered godly. Thank you Jesus, for loving me in my weakness and being the godliness I need. Please, Holy Spirit, remove any faith I have in myself and turn my eyes to Jesus. Amen.

Song: Turn Your Eyes

For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. - 2 Corinthians 5:21


On the Battlefield - Psalm 5


Remember the Past - Psalm 3