Remember the Past - Psalm 3

Salvation belongs to the Lord; your blessing be on your people! - Psalm 3:8

In Psalm 3, we see that the enemies of David are attacking his core – his trust in God's goodness. They want to defeat his faith and break his foundation. Have you ever been tempted to throw in the towel? David responds to this temptation by remembering  the goodness of God in his life. God has been his shield and glory and the lifter of his head. God has answered his prayers and been his sustenance.

After remembering  God's goodness, David's faith is bolstered, and he makes the statement, "Salvation belongs to the Lord; your blessing be on your people!" Or as The NET Bible puts it, "The Lord delivers; you show favor to your people!"

Could there be any bigger blessing than Jesus coming to die for his enemies? So, while God's blessings are innumerable, we must focus on the one blessing that secures all of them – Jesus coming for us.

From the fullness of Jesus we have received blessings that don't stop (see John 1:16)

Good Father, you are committed to the salvation of your children. Sometimes, however, I doubt, and my faith in your goodness is weak – I’m sorry. Thank you for caring for me even though I’m weak and often close my eyes and don’t see your blessings. I want to see more. Please make me trust you. Amen

Song: The Goodness of God

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, - Ephesians 1:3


Becoming Godly - Psalm 4


Protection Is Ours - Psalm 2