Protection Is Ours - Psalm 2

Blessed are all who take refuge in him. – Psalm 2:12

While God is our refuge, the circumstances that necessitate shelter are often different. In Psalm 2, sanctuary is sought because of the nation’s overwhelming “against God” agenda. In verse 2 we see that David saw the rulers collaborating against God. He saw how, when people unite, sin has magnified power.

Can you imagine how Jesus felt this? No human refuge for him. No protection from Rome. No protection from religious leaders. Even his friends abandoned him as he went to the cross. Alone, he would willingly become your sin and absorb the consequences of it for you. By dying alone, he became the refuge you need.

The truth is, while the nations flex their cumulative muscle against God, they have no power to win their fight. David said that God laughs at their weak attempt. His plan will unfold flawlessly, and he will save everyone who takes refuge in him.

If Jesus endured the unimaginable to save you, he will surely keep you safe and be your refuge.

Merciful Father, you are the eternal refuge when the culture hates you and your children. I confess that I don’t see things as I should when I’m in pain. Thank you for caring for me in every situation. Please increase my faith; I want to find comfort in your care.

Song: All I Have is Christ

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. - Deuteronomy 31:8


Remember the Past - Psalm 3


Not Your Doing But His - Psalm 1