Caring for Others

After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes. - Job 42:10

The Book of Job is truly amazing. Job was a good man who, with God’s permission, was crushed by Satan. He lost his wealth and his health, his children died, and he had to face the emotional stress of his wife and friends rejecting God.

In the end, however, God restored Job and doubled his original fortunes after he prayed for his friends. Young’s Literal Translation Bible says, “Jehovah hath turned to the captivity of Job in his praying for his friends.” It’s as if Job’s praying for his sinful friends was deeply connected to Job’s reward – maybe even the point of his suffering.

Theologians often see Job’s story as foreshadowing the life of Jesus, as he was innocent in his suffering, interceding for sinners, and greatly rewarded by his Father. In his deep anguish on the cross, Jesus prayed that his enemies would be forgiven.

I have found that when I am persistent in prayer for specific people around me, God opens the doors for me to speak of Jesus to them. If you would like to be more intentional in evangelism, don’t simply try to muster the courage to do so – pray for those you would like to help.

It’s important that God gets the glory for any success in sharing the gospel, and prayer is our reliance on God’s work.

Jesus, you are the one who saves. You are the one who gives new life through hearing the gospel. Thank you for coming to rescue us. Please cause me to see how much you love me and my neighbor.

Song: What A Beautiful Name / Agnus Dei

“We never know how God will answer our prayers, but we can expect that He will get us involved in His plan for the answer.” – Corrie ten Boom


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