This Third Day is Different

After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will raise us up, that we may live before him. - Hosea 6:2

In the days of the prophet Hosea, Israel had once again turned away from God and was deep in adultery. And the consequence seemed to be national destruction. This cycle repeats itself over and over again. They break their loyalty agreement with God and reject him, they suffer, they repent, God delivers and restores them. Then it starts all over again.

In this particular passage, we are told that after a bit more suffering (two days), God will revive them and raise them up. In other words, God will bring them back to life. This resurrection will happen on the third day.

The problem with this type of resurrection is it doesn’t last. Being sinful, even if they start over, they will surely fail again and break their covenant with God. It doesn’t last because it depended on them keeping their end of the loyalty agreement.

Thankfully, this passage looks forward to another third day that will be entirely different. In this resurrection one perfect man will represent everyone and the cycle will be over because he is forever loyal to the Father and will never disapoint. He absorbed the consequences of a sinful people and became the One responsible for the covenant.

If we look at the words of Hosea again, they are totally true for us. After two days of suffering (Jesus’ suffering for us), we were resurrected (we were resurrected in Jesus’ resurrection) that we may live before God.

Jesus, you are the only one who can save us completely. While I still sin you hold me fast and will see me home. Thank yo for your amazing love. Holy Spirit, please soften my soul so I can see more of you.

Song: Easter Song

Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, - Luke 24:46


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