Christmas is More Important Than Fear

Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. - Luke 2:10

Would you be afraid if the night sky opened and a not-human being appeared in brilliance before you? I’m guessing we would all fear.

The angle addressed fear first because it was getting in the way of what was most important and infinitely bigger than being afraid. “Instead of being afraid, focus on this: the Savior is here.”

From youth until death, fear is a constant and destructive companion. Fear seems to be in the middle of almost everything. Fear of not fitting in, fear of financial ruin, fear of cancer, fear of being alone, fear of rejection or not being loved; the list seems endless. Even self-confident people with great attitudes may be motivated by the same fears; they just have a different approach. Our fears are so constant that marketers can get us to buy almost anything by stirring up our fear.

The Bible uses some form of “fear not” hundreds of times. And Jesus seemed to think we can be so preoccupied with trivial fears that we don’t see the most critical issue: our eternal standing with God (Luke 12:4-5).

Maybe, this Christmas, we should take a deep breath and not be afraid because the good news of Jesus is bigger than our fears. He can take our fears away. Trust him.

Jesus, you coming here is so much more important than anything else. I’m sorry for being distracted. Thank you for not leaving us to our fears. Please cause me to see how your salvation can take away my fear.  

Song: Why This Fear

The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? - Psalm 118:6


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