God is Bigger Than Sin

When his brothers saw that their father loved [Joseph] more than all his brothers, they hated him. - Genesis 37:4

If you haven’t read the story of Joseph recently, you should. It’s the most extended story in Genesis, foreshadowing Jesus’ work in many ways. It shows how sin is no match for God.

Joseph’s brothers hated him because he was “favored” by his father. As a result the brothers sold Joseph into slavery and lied to their father Jacob (they told him that a wild animal killed Joseph). Jacob then lived with the sadness of Joseph’s “death,” and the brothers lived with the evil they did to Joseph and to their father.

In the end everyone saw how God managed all the events to save the family. Through the hatred of the brothers God moved Joseph to Egypt. Then God moved Joseph into the country’s leadership so Egypt’s resources could save Joseph’s family from a famine. God was in complete control even though Jacob, Joseph, and the brothers may not have initially seen it that way.   

Scripture is very clear about God’s control in this world. He is never caught off guard or surprised by crazy events or by our sin. Just as he used the brother’s evil to bring about the rescue of Jacob’s family, he also used the greatest evil ever – the slaughter of Jesus – to bring about our eternal rescue.

Our sin does not interfere with God’s work. He will reign forever and sin can’t win the day. There is deep comfort in God’s power and sovereignty. His promises can never fail and nothing can take his children out of his hands.

Kind Father, you have everything under control and will manage all events for the good of your children and for your glory. I’m sorry for doubting you. Thank you for caring for me even when I don’t trust you. Please cause me to know your goodness.

Song: Behold Our God

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” - Deuteronomy 31:8


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