Good News for Those in Second Place

When his brothers saw that their father loved [Joseph] more than all his brothers, they hated him. - Genesis 37:4

As I read through Genesis, I noticed that there seems to be an often repeated situation. One person is favored over another. Isaac was God’s plan, and then there was Ishmael. God chose Jacob as the father of the twelve tribes of Israel, and then there was Esau. Jacob loved Rachel, and then there was Leah. Jacob favored Joseph over his brothers.

Often, for those who feel they are second, this can be debilitating and lead to resentment and a lifetime of trying to overcome. We all have a foundation on which we build our lives. Whether we’ve had affirmation and support and loving guidance, or the opposite, we all build on something.

The good news is that those who are second are often keenly aware that much has gone wrong, including their own decisions, and they’re looking for help. Jesus spoke about this when he said, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do (Mark 2:17-NLT).”

Jesus understands what it means to be second. He did not overthrow the power structure but was struck down by it. He came and died for all those who are weak and sinful and need help. In Jesus, you don’t need to prove yourself – he is the perfection you need. He has gained the Father’s approval for you. In fact, the more you rely on your effort, the more you discount his effort. Jesus is not here to urge us to do better. He is our better.

To those who feel adequate, you may be second without knowing it. Being satisfied in your accomplishments puts you on a dangerous path.

Jesus, in your love, you came to find the lost and sick. I’m sorry that I often lose sight of my weakness. Thank you for being my salvation. Please cause me to find my value in you.

Song: How can it be?

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”  - 2 Corinthians 12:9


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