Your Biggest Problem Is Not a Problem

But the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground. - Exodus 14:29

In Exodus 14 we read an amazing story of God’s salvation. The Israelites were trapped between the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s army. There was no way they could get to the other side of the sea. But God divided the water so the Hebrews could walk through the water. Can you imagine?

If you read the story, one of the things that is emphasized is the dry ground. Not muddy or slippery but dry. There had been water there for thousands of years, but the ground is dry, and they simply walked to the other side. God had this all under control and the mighty Egyptian army was not a problem. A wall of restrained water on the left and the right, and restrained killers behind them, and they have a dry path through it all.

This is a picture of God making a way. In this Old Testament event, God removed every barrier and dried the ground so the people could walk to the other side.

In John 6 we read about another time water was an obstacle. Jesus’ disciples were fighting stormy waters in a boat in the middle of the Sea of Galilee. But this time Jesus didn’t part the waters and dry the ground so they could get to him. This time he came to them. He walked to them on top of the water.

It’s like what happened when Jesus died on the cross. The temple curtain separating everyone from the Most Holy Place was torn in half and the way was open. The difficulty of getting to God was gone because the perfect One came to us. He did everything.

Jesus, there is nothing that can stand in the way of your rescue. I’m sorry that I doubt and fear when you have everything under control. Thank you for caring for me when I fail – that’s what you do. Please cause me to trust you.

Song: Faithful God

In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice. - Psalm 18:6


This Is All About Jesus


Good News for Those in Second Place