This Is All About Jesus

…that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise you forever. - Psalm 30:12

I would love for my life to be focused on Jesus always. But I can’t seem to get away from myself. One of my biggest struggles is that life is not about me. While I am an object of God’s never-ending love and mercy, and have joy now and everlasting joy later, it’s not about me (that’s difficult).

Jesus is the bread of life, the light of the world, the good shepherd, the true vine, and the God who loves us. And, we will end up, in joy, worshiping him forever. Yet, it’s a struggle to take my eyes off myself and put them on the One who rescued me.

I’m drawn into looking for purpose in my career, activities, family, the stuff I’ve accumulated, or even in my troubles. Even a great church can move the focus from Jesus to other things if they're not careful. It’s natural to think about Jesus through the filter of my humanity instead of thinking about life through the filter of Jesus and his promises.

The good news is that both our salvation and our growth are not ours to manufacture – we can’t do it. I will never reach the point where I, on my own, can move toward God. On my own I will move toward idols. Just as God saves us he also grows in us.

In the end, if I want God to enlarge my vision, I need to spend more time getting to know Jesus and all things connected to the gospel.

Jesus, everything has been, is now, and will forever be about you. I’m sorry for being satisfied with less than you. Thank you for pursuing me and being my shepherd – I really am like a wandering sheep. Please open my heart and cause me to see you and your beauty.

Song: My Redeemer’s Love

For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I myself will search for my sheep and look after them. - Ezekiel 34:11


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