Another Exodus

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. - John 8:32

The Jewish leaders were pressing Jesus. The last thing they needed was another  “devout” jew reimagining how things should work. The Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots, and Esseans were all fighting for the hearts and minds of the people. And now they have another voice speaking with authority and claiming a direct connection to God. And he was building a following that was undermining a barely manageable situation.

But then Jesus made a statement that stopped everything for his would-be followers. He said anyone resting in him would find truth and freedom. This struck a nerve. “We’re not slaves that need to be freed! How insulting that you see us that way. Don’t you know who we are?” This cut them. They didn’t need him to free them.

While Jesus’ ”followers” were intrigued by his ability to turn water into wine and heal the sick and feed thousands, they would only go so far. They were waiting for a Messiah that would commend their faithfulness. But if they understood they would respond like the tax collector in Luke 18, “Please be merciful to me, a sinner.”

Jesus came for the weak and the sick and the sinners and the helpless – the enslaved. He died to free us from the penalty of our sin. And when I bring my merit into the equation I diminish his merit. I contribute nothing. He has done everything. It is not my righteousness that’s important; it’s his righteousness that counts.

Jesus, you are everything for your children. I’m sorry that my pride gets in the way. I think too much of myself. Thank you for your faithfulness when I am not faithful. Please cause me to see more of you and less of me.

Song: Behold Our God

Through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. - Romans 8:2


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