I Am The Good Shepherd - John 10:1-21

READ JOHN 10:1-21

Jesus, you are the door through which we find eternal life. Jesus you are the good shepherd who died for the sheep. And your mission right now is to gather them. I really am a helpless sheep who needs your protection and care. If left to manage on my own, the enemy would kill me. I so often move in the wrong direction – I’m sorry. Thank you for being a good shepherd and keeping me safe. Thank you for guarding and guiding me. Please, Jesus, I want only to hear you, the shepherd. Don’t lead me into temptation but deliver me from evil. I want to praise you as I should. Amen

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. - Psalm 23:1

This sentence (10:16) alludes to those among the Gentiles who will believe, because many among the Gentiles as well as many among the Jews are destined to gather together into a single church and to acknowledge one shepherd and one lord, who is Christ. This has indeed actually happened. But at that time the miracles confirmed the words; now the fulfillment of the words confirms the miracles accomplished then even though this did not appear at that time. – Theodore of Mopsuestia

Jesus’ purpose, at least for now, is to gather his sheep – and they will follow.


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