Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind - John 9:1-40

READ JOHN 9:1-40

Jesus, only you can make the blind see. Only you can open my soul so that I can see my desperate need and the beauty and wonder of the gospel. But I, so often, act as if I’m still blind – how horrible. I’m sorry. Thank you for caring about me in my struggle. Thank you for your commitment to me – dying for me. You are amazing. Even though you have given me sight, I want to see as I should. I want your salvation to shine through me. Amen

the Lord opens the eyes of the blind. The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down; the Lord loves the righteous. - Psalm 146:8

What wonderful clemency and condescension of God! With such great kindness he even heals the beggars. In this way he shuts up the mouths of the Jews, because he made, not the great, illustrious and noble, but the poorest and meanest, the objects of his providence. Indeed, he had come for the salvation of all. - Chrysostom

Through his Spirit, Jesus is still in the world. He is still the light of the world.


I Am The Good Shepherd - John 10:1-21


Before Abraham Was, I AM - John 8:48-59