Before Abraham Was, I AM - John 8:48-59

READ JOHN 8:48-59

Jesus, you are the eternal one. You were before Abraham – before anything or anyone. You are Yahweh. Human, earthly heritage only means we have life here, but we have eternal life with you as our father. My “eyesight” is so limited. Often I only see the earthly realities and miss what’s truly important – I’m sorry. It’s simply unimaginable that the infinitely righteous One would care for someone like me. It’s inconceivable that you would come and die for me so that I could be forgiven – thank you. Please correct my vision. I want to see you for who you are. Amen

Sing to God, sing praises to his name; lift up a song to him who rides through the deserts; his name is the Lord; exult before him! - Psalm 68:4

Where there was need to instruct [the Jews], to pull down their excessive insolence, to teach them not to be proud because of Abraham—at these times he was vehement. But when it was necessary that he should bear insults he was extremely gentle.… And so he teaches us to avenge insults offered to God but to overlook those that are directed at ourselves. - Chrysostom

When Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac (Gen 22), he saw and felt the sacrifice of God that would save sinners. In this way, Abraham looked forward to Jesus.


Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind - John 9:1-40


You Are of Your Father the Devil - John 8:39-47