You Are of Your Father the Devil - John 8:39-47

READ JOHN 8:39-47

Jesus, you are truth. There is no deceit in you, and we can always trust you and everything you say. You will never lie to us. The truth, however, is often uncomfortable for me and reveals that I have a compromised heart. Truth is beautiful, but not always to me – I’m sorry. Thank you for holding my hand as a good father holds the hand of his distracted child. Please, Jesus, create within me a joyful, holy fear and love for you and the truth that I should be embracing. Amen

Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long. - Psalm 25:5

Those who seek to kill him seek to kill a man, since even if they should kill him, God is not killed. And if they seek to kill him when they have not yet killed him, they plot against him as against a man, not thinking that the one against whom they plot is God. For no one would continue to plot against him if he were convinced that the one against whom he plots is God. – Origen

Unless clearly taught in Scripture, we must be very careful of the firm stances we take lest we actually are working against the King and kingdom


Before Abraham Was, I AM - John 8:48-59


True Disciples - John 8:31-38