True Disciples - John 8:31-38

READ JOHN 8:31-38

Jesus, you are the only one who can truly free the slave. And the strongest slave-master can do nothing to stop you. You are the only one that can free me. Like the Hebrews that you freed from slavery, I often look back at the comforts of slavery – I’m sorry. Thank you for always being with me and wanting only the best for me – complete satisfaction in you and all that you are for me. Please, Father, I don’t want to long for the attractions of this world. Open my eyes to the beauty of your salvation. Amen

Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long. - Psalm 25:5

It is a small thing for a disciple to come to him; it is a much greater thing to continue in him. Therefore he does not say if you “hear” or “come” or “praise” my Word. He says, “If you continue in my Word.” What do you think, brothers? Is continuing in the Lord hard work or not? If it is hard work, look at the reward. If it is not, you receive the reward for nothing. Let us then continue in him who continues in us. – Augustine

In the truth of the gospel is true freedom – fellowship with Jesus and freedom from enslavement now and forever.


You Are of Your Father the Devil - John 8:39-47


I Am the Light of the World - John 8:12-30