I Am the Resurrection and the Life - John 11:17-27

READ JOHN 11:17-27

Jesus, you are the resurrection Martha believed would come someday. You are the only one who can make sure that I will never die. You love your children flawlessly. But I don’t always see it as I should. I don’t live like someone who can never die – I’m sorry. Thank you for giving me eternal life now. Please, Jesus, I want to trust you as I should. I want to know you. Come and work on me so that I honor you the way I should.

For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light. - Psalm 36:9

[Martha] does not say to [Jesus], “Bring my brother to life again.” For how could she know that it would be good for him to come to life again? She says, I know that you can do so, if you want to, but what you will do is for your judgment, not for my presumption, to determine. – Augustine

Lazarus is testimony to the power of Jesus to give life – now and forever.


Jesus Raises Lazarus - John 11:38-44


The Death of Lazarus - John 11:1-16