I and the Father Are One - John 10:22-42

Jesus, you are the Christ. The prophecies are fulfilled in you and your words are clear and your works are amazing – you are Lord. As beautiful as you are, sometimes I’m like the religious leaders in this passage and I can’t or won’t see you as I should because you don’t fit into my “box” and fit my earthly agenda – I’m sorry. Thank you for caring for me when I doubt and when I resist you. Thank you for holding on to me. Please, Jesus, change me. I want to submit to you the way I should. Amen

For the Lord loves justice; he will not forsake his saints. They are preserved forever, but the children of the wicked shall be cut off. - Psalm 37:28

Cyril of Alexandria: The mark of Christ’s sheep is their willingness to hear and obey, just as disobedience is the mark of those who are not his. We take the word hear to imply obedience to what has been said. People who hear God are known by him. No one is entirely unknown by God, but to be known in this way is to become part of his family. Therefore, when Christ says, “I know mine,” he means I will receive them and give them a permanent mystical relationship with myself. – Cyril of Alexandria

The learned and powerful may not hear while the ignorant and weak hear Jesus clearly.


The Death of Lazarus - John 11:1-16


Joseph’s Dreams