Intimacy With Jesus (Pt 2) - Expectations

“Whoever drinks of the water that I will give will never be thirsty again.” (John 4:14)

One of the problems we tend to have with relationships is the problem of expectations. We may be open to, and even want, a close and personal connection to Jesus, but we need to see if He meets our expectations.

Maybe you know the story from the Bible of the woman Jesus met at a well (John chapter 4). This woman, just like everyone else, came to the well every day to fill her water jug with the same water she'd been drinking her entire life. The same water everyone had been drinking. When she met Jesus and He offered her living water that would quench her thirst forever, she came back to her physical need.

If Jesus could somehow eliminate the need to come to this well every day, she was all in. This woman had a problem with her expectations. She just couldn't see that the water that Jesus offered was much, much better than what she was after.

We tend to be captured by temporal things, things that don't last. We chase our careers, our looks, money, a relationship, or just something that we don't have, just like most people. We're just drinking the water that can't satisfy. Tomorrow we will need more.

It's not easy to see through our earthly struggles and understand that we have a much bigger need. So, what might be on your expectations list? What are you chasing? Money, health, job success? Maybe respect, or marriage? Maybe you're just tired of the struggle or the pain that this life brings.

It's easy to think, “Jesus, if you're really interested in a relationship with me, you would fix these things. That would be a great start.” The Bible never claims that our troubles here will vanish if we look to Jesus.

In fact, in the Gospel of John, Jesus says, in this world, you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world. Jesus died for His children and overcame the world for them. At the cross, He defeated sin and its claim on your life.

He came to give eternal life. He came to give living water that will never end. If we want Jesus to simply grant all of our earthly desires, sort of like a genie, the close relationship is probably on hold.

While He doesn't leave His children, it's difficult to have an intimate relationship when you're chasing other things. If you want intimacy with Jesus, look to Him as the one who forgives all wrongs and will love and care for you forever. He will walk with you in this troubled world and see you home.

When Jesus finally broke through to the woman He met at the well, and she understood who He was, the Bible says that she left her water jug at the well and went to tell others about Him. She found the living water that would satisfy her longings forever.

Jesus, You are the one who satisfies the soul. I'm sorry for being distracted by all the earthly temptations that won't satisfy. Thank You for opening my eyes to my deepest need. I want to drink the water that only You can give.

Song: Thank You Jesus For The Blood

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10)


Intimacy with Jesus - Pt 3


Intimacy With Jesus - Pt 1