Intimacy with Jesus - Pt 3

“Abba, Father” – Mark 14:36

When we speak of a developing and intimate relationship with Jesus, we’re actually talking about something called sanctification. It’s a Bible word that means that God is developing us – moving us to be more like Jesus.

So, if we look at the relationship Jesus had with his Father, we see profound intimacy. Here are three examples:

In John 4:34, we see that Jesus was so aligned and connected to his Father that doing his Father’s will gives him nourishment.

In Mark 14:36, we see Jesus coming to his Father and addressing him with the intimate, informal “Abba” – we might say “Daddy.”

And in Luke 6:12, we find Jesus praying to his Father all night long before choosing his disciples.

The amazing thing here is that Jesus also prayed that those who believe in him should experience unity with each other AND an intimate relationship with God like Jesus has with him (John 17:21).

It’s really important that we know that this is where God is taking his children. He doesn’t just adopt us and then leave us to ourselves to flounder. He cares for his own and raises us so as to create the intimate relationship he longs for.

While we see this loving relationship throughout Scripture, a good example can be found in the life of the Apostle Peter. God took him from a brash and impulsive fisherman to a humble servant.

Peter was the disciple who boldly declared he would die for Jesus, and then soon after that, in fear, he denied even knowing him.

This failure, however, brought Peter to his knees and was important in Peter’s development and the mutually intimate relationship he had with his Savior.

After Peter’s denial, Jesus lovingly restored him in an intimate, personal meeting where Peter was not prideful – he was humble. When Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” he didn’t pound his chest and declare his loyalty. Rather, he said, “Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.”

Hopefully, as a believer, you long for a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus. But that can seem far away, right? Especially since we still sin.

But here’s the good news: God is the one who pursues his children and brings them into a life of intimacy. Just like he did with Peter, he can do this with you and me.

As the Holy Spirit draws you into an intimate relationship with Jesus, you will be increasingly aware that the things of this world will never satisfy – Jesus will be your satisfaction.

You will still sin, but you’ll be quick to repent and run to Jesus. You will increasingly not judge but look at others as those who need Jesus just like you need him.

Do you want Jesus to speak to you? Spend time in the Bible. Do you want to talk with him? Pray. He desires an intimate relationship with his children.

Jesus, it’s amazing that you desire intimacy with me more than I desire intimacy with you. It’s also amazing that I, a sinner, can know the Holy One. I’m sorry for being so hard-hearted. Thank you for patiently loving me. Please cause me to long for you.

Song: Give Me Jesus

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. - John 15:5


Prayer Before Prayer - I.O.U.S.


Intimacy With Jesus (Pt 2) - Expectations