Prayer Before Prayer - I.O.U.S.

Before you read the Bible and pray, you might want to pray about your Bible reading and prayer. The right approach to Scripture and the praying that follows is important if we are to glean what we should and grow in Christ. 

John Piper, a pastor and theologian, introduced the acronym I.O.U.S. as a practical guide for approaching Scripture with a heart ready to hear from God. I.O.U.S. stands for Incline, Open, Unite, and Satisfy. Each element represents a prayerful attitude and request to God as one reads and studies the Bible, aiming for a deeper, more transformative engagement with God’s Word.

 Incline My Heart

The first part of the acronym, “Incline my heart,” comes from Psalm 119:36, where the psalmist prays, “Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!” This prayer is a request for God to turn one’s heart away from distractions, selfish desires, and worldly pursuits, and to draw it toward the truth and beauty of His Word. Our natural inclinations are often contrary to God’s ways, and we need divine help to reorient our hearts. By asking God to incline our hearts, we acknowledge our dependency on Him to transform our desires and make us eager to hear His voice in Scripture.

Open My Eyes 

The “O” in I.O.U.S. stands for “Open my eyes,” derived from Psalm 119:18, “Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.” This prayer recognizes the spiritual blindness that can hinder our understanding of God’s Word. Without the Holy Spirit’s illumination, we cannot fully grasp the depth and richness of Scripture. By praying for God to open our eyes, we seek His guidance to reveal the hidden treasures and profound truths within the Bible. The prayer is that we might see beyond the surface and engage with Scripture in a meaningful and impactful way.

Unite My Heart

“Unite my heart” is the third component, inspired by Psalm 86:11, “Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name.” This prayer is a plea for integrity and focus in our spiritual walk. Our hearts are often divided, pulled in multiple directions by conflicting desires and loyalties. By asking God to unite our hearts, we seek His help in aligning our entire being with His truth, cultivating a singular devotion to Him. Unity of heart fosters a deeper reverence for God and a more consistent, wholehearted commitment to His ways.

Satisfy My Soul

The final element, “Satisfy my soul,” is based on Psalm 90:14, “Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.” This prayer expresses a longing for the deep, abiding satisfaction that only God can provide. As we immerse ourselves in Scripture, we seek to be filled with the joy and contentment that come from experiencing God’s steadfast love. This satisfaction in God’s presence and promises transcends the fleeting pleasures of the world, grounding us in a lasting joy that sustains us through all circumstances. 

 I.O.U.S. is more than a mnemonic device; it is a spiritual framework that encourages believers to approach Scripture with humility, dependence, and expectancy. By praying for God to incline our hearts, open our eyes, unite our hearts, and satisfy our souls, we prepare ourselves to receive the full impact of His Word.


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