Is There An Alternative?

But for you, O Lord, do I wait; it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer. - Psalm 38:15

Do you see a choice in life’s crushing pain and darkest moments? Have you reached the point where there is no real choice and God is your only hope?

In our 46+ years of marriage, my wife and I have had a few painful, stress-filled, stormy times. One of these was the death of our firstborn. So what do you do when the fantastic future you’ve been anticipating and living out in your imagination for years comes crashing down?  

One common response to heartbreak is, “Well, God’s not working here, so it’s time to live life without him.” And while I understand the temptation in this, this response shows the extent to which we believe God’s way must meet my approval and that the storms of life are unacceptable.

When Jesus was on the cross, facing the consequence of our sin, he was pouring himself out and securing only blessing for the sheep. The difficulty we face is not punishment – punishment doesn’t exist for believers. Trust him. He will see you through everything.

Thank you, Jesus, for being totally committed to my good. I, often don’t understand. But then again, I am frail and finite. I want to trust you. I know there is no alternative here. You are God, and I am your child. I trust you. Amen

Song: Jesus, There’s No One Like You

 But for you, O Lord, do I wait; it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer. - Psalm 38:15


Moving Mountains - Pt 1


God Celebrates