Moving Mountains - Pt 1

…if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. - Matthew 17:20

This is one of the most contested statements in the Bible. At a minimum, it’s confusing. I don’t see any Christians moving mountains or levitating physical objects. These words of Jesus can seem ridiculous and hopeful at the same time. So, let’s make a few observations.

The context of this verse is the failure of the disciples to bring about what Jesus would ultimately do – the freedom of a demon-possessed boy.

The reality of the disciple’s dilemma is that Jesus is the ultimate mover. They were weak but he was strong. He may choose to use us in his plan (we should want that), but he brings everything to pass. The good news here; our weak faith does not confine God.

This is also a picture of our salvation – it doesn’t depend on our ability to contribute. Jesus, in every way, is the mover. We are not strong enough. We are not good enough. Jesus came to do what we couldn’t do. The disciple’s rescue failure does not get in the way of God’s grace. What’s important is not the size of our faith but the size of our God. God is faithful when we are not.

When we think God’s work depends on our contribution, we defame God. In every way our work and our lives rest on his grace and power.

Jesus, you flawlessly accomplish what you set out to do. Thank you that your work produces faith and is not dependent on faith. I am weak but you are strong. I want to trust you deeply. I want a big faith that brings you glory. I want my ambition to align with your purpose.

Song: Is He Worthy?

“I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. - Job 42:2


Moving Mountains - Pt 2


Is There An Alternative?