Moving Mountains - Pt 2

…if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. - Matthew 17:20

When I was younger, I would see this passage like “the force” in Starwars. I remember thinking, “Wouldn’t it be great to move things with my mind or through belief? I wanted that kind of faith. After all, Jesus sort of said it’s possible.” In today’s vernacular, we might say, “Name it and claim it.”

My life wasn’t about living a life overtly dependent on God and following him in complete and joyful obedience – for his glory. The faith I was thinking of was self-serving and would draw attention to me. Full alignment with God’s plan wasn’t front and center.

Mountain-moving faith is not a stand-alone thing of belief or strength or power. It’s always focused on and trusting in God’s power and purpose. It aligns with God’s agenda, not mine. If God wants me to be instrumental in literal mountain moving (I can’t imagine), it will be through faith in God and not in my mystical ability over someone or something.

Biblical, Jesus-oriented faith makes the impossible possible. But only in the service of the King.

Thank you Father for doing what’s impossible for us – changing hard hearts into soft and trusting hearts. I’m sorry that I’m so self-centered. Thank you for flawlessly bringing about your purposes. Please change my heart. Amen

Song: God Who Moves Mountains

For nothing will be impossible with God. - Luke 1:37


Moving Mountains - Pt 3


Moving Mountains - Pt 1