Jesus and the Woman of Samaria - John 4:1-45

Jesus, you are the great friend of sinners who goes to them. Only you are the living water that I need. And, even though I have nothing to offer and I’m impure and cannot think the way I should, you come to me as you came to the Samaritan woman. I confess, I often feel that I have some goodness and merit that I am bringing you – how sinful. You are the giver of all good things I receive. Thank you for being merciful to me, a great sinner. Please show me the truth of my dependency so that I can look to you the way I should – I'm helpless on my own. Amen

They feast on the abundance of your house, and you give them drink from the river of your delights. - Psalm 36:8

Many things we read and believe, in the light of the sacrament of the incarnation. Even in the very affections of our human nature we behold the divine majesty. Jesus is wearied with his journey, that he may refresh the weary. He desires to drink when about to give spiritual drink to the thirsty; he was hungry, when about to supply the food of salvation to the hungry. – Ambrose

It’s easy to see an unlimited number of obstacles when thinking about taking the gospel to those we stigmatize. But Jesus is for everyone.


Follow Along - Psalm 4


John The Baptist Exalts Christ - John 3:22-36