John The Baptist Exalts Christ - John 3:22-36

Jesus, you are above everyone and everything, and you are the purity we need. You are the holiness we need. Your words are the very words of God, and you came to claim your bride. It is your fame and glory and salvation that must increase – not mine. My joy in you and your salvation is not what it should be. While it should consume me, I often find fulfillment in other things – I’m sorry. Thank you for saving me even though I don’t respond as I should – you are amazing. Please, Jesus, show me more, open my heart to the magnitude of your kindness so that my joy in you consumes me. Amen

May his name endure forever, his fame continue as long as the sun! May people be blessed in him, all nations call him blessed! Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who alone does wondrous things. Blessed be his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory! Amen and Amen! - Psalm 72:17–19

This means he alone is the husband of the church, he is the expectation of the nations, and the prophets removed their sandals while offering to him a union of nuptial grace. He is the bridegroom; I am the friend of the bridegroom. I rejoice because he is coming, because I hear the nuptial chant, because now we do not hear the harsh penalties for sinners, the harsh torments of the law, but the forgiveness of offenses, the cry of joy, the sound of cheerfulness, the rejoicing of the nuptial feast. – Ambrose


Jesus and the Woman of Samaria - John 4:1-45


For God So Loved the World - John 3:16-21