Jesus Faces Annas and Caiaphas - John 18:12-14

Jesus Faces Annas

Brooklyn Museum /

READ JOHN 18:12-14

Jesus, you were bound so that I could be free. Even though you could have escaped any time, you gave yourself over to the sin of humanity so that humanity could be rescued. What a savior you are. I am part of the evil horde that, if not for you, would simply die in my sin. Thank you for being merciful toward me when I had no appreciation for your love. Please, Jesus, I want to know you better. I want to feel your love for me in new ways. Please change my heart. Amen

The Lord is God, and he has made his light to shine upon us. Bind the festal sacrifice with cords, up to the horns of the altar! - Psalm 118:27

Now that all obstacles had been overcome and Peter had put away his sword, and Christ had, as it were, surrendered himself to the hand of the Jews (though he did not have to die) and it was easier for him to escape, the soldiers and servants together with their guide give way to cruel rage and are transported with the ardor of victory. They took the Lord, who gave himself up wholly to their will, and put chains upon him, even though he came to us to release us from the bondage of the devil and to loose us from the chains of sin. – Cyril of Alexandria

I can hardly grasp the love that would walk without flinching into the savage anger of hell for me.


Peter Denies Jesus - John 18:15-18


Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus - John 18:1-11