Jesus Heals An Official’s Son - John 4:46-54

Jesus, you heal those who are dying. You are worthy of all adoration and worship in every struggle and situation. I confess that I often look past who you are and focus on what you can do for me. I’m just like the official you met on the road; I often look to you without looking at you. Thank you for your mercy on me in my horrible self-centered condition. Please turn me around. I want to see you for who you are – you are worthy because you are the great I AM. Amen

As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought for me. You are my help and my deliverer; do not delay, O my God! - Psalm 40:17

The one command of the Savior heals two souls. In the official, the Savior’s command brings about unexpected faith even as it also rescues the child from bodily death. It is difficult to say which one is healed first. Both, I suppose, are healed simultaneously. The disease left at the command of the Savior. – Cyril of Alexandria

Jesus is patient as we flounder in our struggle to believe as we should, patiently loving us and working for our eternal good.


The Healing at the Pool on the Sabbath - John 5:1-18


Follow Along - Gen 37:12-24