The Healing at the Pool on the Sabbath - John 5:1-18

Jesus, you are the great healer who finds those with no hope and makes them whole. I am the one with no hope apart from your kindness to me. You are the only one who is holy, and I am the one who needs healing. Thank you for seeing me in the crowd. Thank you for coming to me when I could not come to you. Please cut me open with the truth of your word so that I see the truth of my need and the amazing truth of your power to save. Amen

For he delivers the needy when he calls, the poor and him who has no helper. - Psalm 72:12

The question as to whether he wanted to obtain what he longed for is huge. It has the kind of force and expression that conveys that Jesus has the power to give and is now ready to do so, only waiting for the request of the one who will receive this grace. – Cyril of Alexandria

Because he knew no other way, this disabled man stayed by the pool even though the healing power of the waters did him no good. This is the way of the lost. Even though this world offers no hope, they can’t see another way.


The Authority of the Son - John 5:19-29


Jesus Heals An Official’s Son - John 4:46-54