The Authority of the Son - John 5:19-29

Jesus, you are God and are worthy of all the praise we can give. You are the focal point of the universe and the beginning and end of eternal life. I, however, don’t always see you that way. I often find my joy in other things and act as if you are second - I'm sorry. Thank you for coming to save those like me. Thank you for loving the sinner. Please, Jesus, I want to believe as I should. I want to embrace you for who you are. Amen

Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. - Psalm 16:9

Now, if he had wanted to signify a diminution of his strength and power, he should have said, “But only what the Father orders” or “what [the Father] gives him the power to do.” But now he added, “but only what he sees the Father doing,” which indicates similarity. Actually, if he does only what he sees the Father doing, he evidently possesses a perfect similarity with the Father in his action. And this would be impossible if he did not have the same power.  – Theodore of Mopsuestia

He who has not acknowledged the Son is unable to acknowledge the Father. This is wisdom, and this is the mystery of the supreme God. God willed that he should be acknowledged and worshiped through him. On this account he sent the prophets beforehand to announce his coming so that when the things that had been foretold were fulfilled in him, then he might be believed by people to be both the Son of God and God. – Lactantius

There is no denying that GOD IS LOVE. Just look at Jesus.


Witnesses to Jesus - John 5:30-47


The Healing at the Pool on the Sabbath - John 5:1-18