Witnesses to Jesus - John 5:30-47

Jesus, you are the One that every word of Scripture is talking about. Moses and the prophets pointed to you; John the Baptist pointed to you; God the Father, in every gracious act, points to you. I, however, have clouded eyes and don’t see this as clearly as I should. I am often infatuated by the things of this world. Thank you for finding me in my blindness. Please, Jesus, open my heart to the fullness of who you are. Amen

For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light. - Psalm 36:9

Since I, he says, lead you to God without promising anything magnificent in this life, you run away from me because my words are difficult. But the other one shows all his glory in this life by promising great security and dignity to those who believe in him. And so you, enticed by the greed of this life, take refuge in him. – Theodore of Mopsuestia

The multi-faceted testimony to the magnificence of the godhead abounds everywhere and comes to us in many forms. Ultimately, only Scripture can answer the most profound questions and show us the purpose of it all – Jesus.


Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand - John 6:1-15


The Authority of the Son - John 5:19-29